Not the Forest Service

Not the French Foreign Legion… We're joining the service. The Foreign Service. Not quite Bond. Not quite "The Gay Diplomat." Probably more like "The Last Remake of Beau Geste." Come along for the ride. (Movie References deliberate and ubiquitous.)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oh, almost forgot - Fred is Coming!

Yes, I'm sorry, I just realized that I hadn't updated y'all about the evacuation!

It turns out "evacuation" is technically an incorrect term. The department just sent all the family members home, and recommended that all Americans leave the country. We didn't actually 'evacuate' anyone.

But anyway, it was lifted! Almost two months ago now, I'm so far behind. All the family members are back to post, and life seems to have returned to normal. And, of course, Fred will be coming with me. (I never actually doubted it.)

On the other hand, the potential certainly exists for additional unrest, as Guinea goes through it's transition over the next few years. Hopefully, it will be peaceful.


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